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Goal 2
Ensure Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction
To enhance customer and stakeholder confidence by communicating effectively and engaging our community
PWSA is committed to maintaining an elevated level of quality, performance, and value. The utility has experienced infrastructure failures, billing issues, and negative media reports. In response, PWSA is working to regain community confidence. Recognizing it must earn customers’ support and trust, PWSA has begun engaging the community. It is also proactively communicating many of the positive changes it is making to enhance service.
Focus Areas
Respond to customers and stakeholders in a timely manner
Being responsive to customers is paramount to earning their trust and recognition of PWSA as a valuable community resource. To do that, PWSA will:
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and standard scripts for effectively managing common types of customer contacts
  • Provide customer service staff with additional training and call monitoring
  • Increase call center resources to meet call volumes and achieve target performance goals

Regularly provide clear and effective information
Customer and stakeholder support and trust begin with understanding, and that begins with the information that PWSA shares. PWSA is committed to:
  • Developing a communications plan, to include social media and web-based strategies
  • Increasing transparency and developing educational materials
  • Providing regular progress reports to key PWSA stakeholders

Utilize Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) to generate accurate customer bills
Ensuring customer satisfaction and revenue sufficiency, requires PWSA to accurately read meters and generate the corresponding bills. PWSA must therefore:
  • Meter all users, including public and commercial users
  • Verify AMI and CIS communications to ensure accurate data transfers
  • Adopt industry best practices for billing quality control and assurance
  • Adopt AWWA Water Loss Management Practices
How We're Doing
Average Speed of Answer, Contact Center
July 2024
minutes : seconds
Average Speed of Answer, Dispatch
July 2024
minutes : seconds
Percent of Social Media Inquiries Addressed in 3 Business Days
August 2024